My story
For a long time, I did not want to write about myself. At the same time, I think that a site like this would not be legitimate anonymously. This is why I decided, eventually, to share my story.
The symptoms appeared in 2016, after I had been down with a cold. Suddenly, my vision became blurred and slightly hazy, and afterwards, I had a headache. I developed temporary double vision; however, despite several medical examinations, no one could tell why. Two and a half years later, after a control check-up, I was diagnosed with MS.
Back then, I knew almost nothing of this illness. I started looking it up only after I heard in which directions the medical research was going. Since sources on the Internet projected an uncertain and disappointing prognosis, I quickly gave up looking. When I turned to my doctor for advice and asked if any changes in my lifestyle could be of use, I got no recommendations other than to follow a Mediterranean diet and to avoid overheating (hyperthermia).
For quite a while, I stayed positive about the new situation, because I was symptom-free and I was living like anybody else. My doctor told me that in my case, it was a benign type of MS, yet they would not be able to tell what would happen and when. So the feeling of uncertainty and lack of control lingered, and with time, it became more and more consuming.
As a former athlete, I have learnt that more and harder training lead to better results and ultimately to better performance. Now they were telling me that I could do nothing for my health, that I should just keep living my life and hope for the best. I want to stress here, that I do not wish to offend or demean anybody―I think physicians act to the best of their knowledge and their hard work and devotion helps patients a great deal. They work under extreme pressure and usually too much, while they often do not get the necessary support.
That being said, I felt alone and I could no longer pretend that nothing happened. So I opened my laptop again and started researching – something I have continued to do to this day – looking for solutions and possibilities that could support me in staying healthy. This platform is the summary of my research and thoughts. Initially, I was just collecting stories and suggestions for myself, but later I felt that I should make them available for others too.
I hesitated a lot whether to publish what I have just written. Eventually, the following thought pushed me through my hesitation:
„If I help only a single person by creating this platform, it is worth it!”

I am not a doctor
I am not a dietician.
I am neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist.
I am not a natural health practitioner.
I am not a licensed personal trainer.
I am not a coach or a lifestyle advisor.
But then, who am I?
An average 32-year-old guy who lives in Budapest, works in online marketing, loves sports, loves people, and who believes – contrary to most doctors – that he can
do something for his health.
I started writing because of myself—to turn fear and anxiety into more positive feelings. I want to keep this attitude for as long as possible and stay healthy, happy and hopeful for the long haul.
I do not know if the suggestions offered in the stories will be equally helpful to everyone. I also do not know whether the information I collected here and which I rely on myself are truly adequate. I want to believe that in both cases the answers are a firm ’yes’.
One thing is for sure: the ’miracle stories’ or ’miraculous healings’ that we occasionally hear or read about do exist. Yet other than the fact that they make us happy and hopeful, we do not pay them much attention. However, at a closer look, we may notice that there are patterns and similarities in them. These patterns usually mean lifestyle changes, which, if applied, could result in almost miraculous transformations.
It was these patterns that I started researching and integrating into my life.
Am I writing about the right topic at all? Is the diagnosis accurate?
Personally, I am still not sure what kind of illness I am facing. I know it sounds strange but once you start looking, you will find that, for example in my case, there are several possibilities. More and more neurologists think that when we talk about MS we are not talking about one single disease. It is more of an umbrella term that incorporates many diseases of various kinds and progressions.
So far, the following options have come up in relation to my diagnosis: MS, Lyme-disease caused by Borrelia, MS caused by co-infections of Borrelia or Bartonella. Who knows which came first: the chicken or the egg? Is there a correlation between these things at all? I have not found the answer yet.
I decided, however, not to wait around for answers, but instead, to do everything in my power to support my immune system. Whenever I have doubts about what the heck I am doing, I tell myself:
„I have nothing to lose. After all: fresh air, good sleep and exercise has never hurt anybody”

What will others think of me: my family, my friends and my wider social circle? How will physicians react?
Those who are close to me already know my story. But what about the rest? What will they say?
I do not want people to feel sorry for me. I do not want to be treated differently. I do not want people to get distant or be afraid of me. I want them to treat me just like before, or see me as an even healthier and happier version of myself.
As for doctors, the first thing that came to my mind was that (I hope) we would be able to cultivate reciprocal communication. I would listen to them, they would listen to me, and with time, perhaps suggestions that were not on the table before would become part of the conversation. With that said, which may sound like an overly idealistic future, I have doubts of course: what if they do not agree with the things published on the website? What if they oppose it or, even worse, judge me for writing about something like this?
I am also fearful about what people who have a similar diagnosis but, unlike me, have to live with severe symptoms, will think of me. Who am I to try to help them? How dare I be smart in such a different life situation? What do I have to show for myself?
The truth is nothing. I would just like to inspire you.